Monday, November 30, 2015

Is A Tummy Tuck Right For You? Get Your Confidence Back!

Abdominoplasty, also known as, a tummy tuck is a procedure that makes the abdomen flatter. The procedure not only removes any excess fat, but it also restores your abdominal muscles and improves your contour. For some people, the tummy tuck can also make any stretch marks go away that you have gotten either from being pregnant or from having more weight.
Pregnancies or excessive weight are two reasons why a tummy tuck is high in popularity among women. Many women who make the decision to have a tummy tuck feel refreshed and confident after they see the results of the tummy tuck. Women who may have lost confidence or they have lost their self-esteem, immediately have an improved sense of self after the procedure.
If you are having a hard time making a final decision, we want to provide you with the following information that we hope can help you come to a final decision.
·       It is a great procedure to have if you want to get rid of the belly fat after having a baby.
·       You should be in good health. You should not be a smoker if you want to have this procedure.
·       If you are at an ideal weight, you are a good candidate for this procedure. However, if you have not reached an ideal weight, you may want to wait until you reach that number. 
·       Your body should be healthy enough to handle having a procedure like a tummy tuck. 
After having a tummy tuck, you will become more encouraged and motivated to live a healthy lifestyle. You will be motivated to keep the excess skin off, and you will do what it takes to keep your new look. 

If you want to know if you would make an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck, do not hesitate to contact us today. 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Breast Augmentation: Reclaiming Your Confidence

Everyone has insecurities; it's what makes us all human. Among us, women are specifically targeted and expected to achieve levels of beauty from perfect make-up, killer curves, and most importantly, full breasts.
If you've ever looked in the mirror and considered breast augmentation, you're not the alone, but is it the right procedure for you? What are important things to consider?
It's Normal To Want Breast Augmentation
Studies have shown that in 2014, over 286,000 breast augmentation procedures have been done in the U.S. alone. This operation holds the trophy in being the MOST popular cosmetic surgery since 2006, and the popularity only rises year after year.
It's For Anyone
Breast augmentation isn't just for young women who want to achieve a fuller look. In most cases, aging will cause the skin to lose its elasticity and the skin will start to sag, especially after children or weight loss. It's never too late to get the look you want! This cosmetic procedure can help correct abnormalities and help you regain your youthful appearance. 
There Are Options
Aside from enlarging breasts with silicone or saline implants, there are other options you can explore. Breast lifts are an alternative that can correct sagging, and breast reduction aids in relieving aches and pains if your breasts are too full for your liking.
Recovery Is A Breeze
No need to take weeks off of work in order to get your dream body! A breast augmentation procedure is usually done in a single day. The patient is free to go home that very night and return to work in a few days. Recovery is a very easy and painless process.

Dr. John McFate and his staff are here if you're ready to take the next step in realizing the body of your dreams. If you have any questions, please contact us today!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Cosmetic Surgery Can Transform Your Self-Confidence

Aging can ravage your natural beauty and bring your formerly high-flying self-confidence back to Earth. However, cosmetic surgery can help you restore your beauty and bring your confidence back to life.
Cosmetic surgery isn't just about the "selfish" desire to look beautiful again. It's all about transforming your life by creating a self-image that reflects your natural beauty. No, you don't need to invest millions of dollars in dozens of procedures: just a few simple procedures can help.
Choosing even one of the following procedures is likely to transform your body and your life:
·       Liposuction
·       Nose job (rhinoplasty)
·       Breast lift
·       Buttock lift
·       Dermal fillers
·       Botox
·       Tummy tuck
Just imagine a life without the stretch marks from your pregnancies. Those stretch marks can last a lifetime without a tummy tuck and eliminating them can create a smooth tummy anyone can be proud to show off.
But showing off isn't really the point: remember, good cosmetic surgery is all about doing a few simple things to increase your confidence. Celebrities often overdo it trying to chase perfection. Perfection isn't necessary: simply feeling better about how you look is often enough to make the investment worth it.
And that investment is definitely worth it: just imagine how much your confidence will soar if a few touch-ups can get you turning heads again. In fact, it can even help you find a new career or advance in your own, as studies have shown attractive people are often taken more seriously than unattractive people.

So, if you're ready to turn your flailing self-image into the kind of self-confidence you deserve, please contact us today. Cosmetic surgery isn't limited to just the rich and famous any more.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Create a New Youthful Style With Eyelid Surgery

When it comes to cosmetic surgery, many people focus on tummy tucks, liposuction, and other procedures to create a more youthful look. However, many forget about the potential benefits of eyelid surgery. This relatively non-invasive surgery can help restore a whole new youthful luster to your style and can transform your life.
How Eyelid Surgery Works
Eyelid surgery or belpharoplasty is the process of using small cuts on the skin to remove excessive skin and fat from around your eyes and your eyelids. Once these materials are removed, your eyelids will tighten up, lift, and look less heavy and "sleepy" than it did before.
This will instantly create a more youthful look by eliminating bags under your eyes and helping to eliminate dark patches. It can also quickly eliminate wrinkles around your eyes and even across other areas of your face.
How This Can Benefit You
Beyond giving you a more youthful appearance, eyelid surgery will help transform your self-confidence. When you look better, you feel better. This can result in you doing better at work, making new friends, and even trying out new things you had never considered before.
Looking younger can also help you advance further in life: studies have shown that people, especially potential employers, are more interested in hiring younger people. They also find them more powerful, interesting, and trustworthy.
And all of those benefits can be yours simply by removing a little excess fat and skin from around your eyelids.

If you are interested in getting eyelid surgery or any other similar plastic surgery procedure, please contact us today to learn more. We can help you choose the best procedure for your unique needs.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Achieve Balance with Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty , or cosmetic nose surgery, has the potential to impart a more attractive nose while drawing attention to those facial features that are most flattering. This surgery can balance the facial features to result in a decidedly more pleasing appearance.  So often, someone will have beautiful, full lips or lovely eyes that go unnoticed because of a distracting nose that may be too large or that has a bulbous tip.  The aesthetic benefits of rhinoplasty are instantaneous, and the results are permanent.
Rhinoplasty can achieve balance by increasing or decreasing the shape and size of the nose.  By strategically removing or adding tissue in all the right places, the well-trained surgeon can turn a face into a masterpiece.   The procedure entails removing excess cartilage and other irregularities that cause the facial features to appear unbalanced. The surgery can bring symmetry to the face unlike any other type of surgery.
Rhinoplasty can fix a drooping or bulbous nasal tip, creating a more refined, delicate appearance. It can also alter the size of the bridge or nostrils, creating a more flattering shape and size.  Rhinoplasty has the potential to provide the look each patient has always wanted. 
Often, people undergo rhinoplasty for the cosmetic benefits.  However, the procedure offers many functional benefits as well. Rhinoplasty is an effective treatment for certain breathing difficulties.  It can also be used for some specific sinus disorders.   If the patient has a narrow nasal passage, the procedure has the potential to alleviate his or her suffering by opening the nasal passages.  Often, insurance companies will cover rhinoplasty for functional purposes.
Undergoing rhinoplasty is an excellent way to boost one's self-confidence. No other cosmetic procedure can so quickly and dramatically improve the way one views themselves. If you have a beautiful nose, you will feel great about yourself when you. 
For additional information about rhinoplasty and to schedule an appointment with Precision Plastic Surgery in Austin, please contact us today.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Eyelid Surgery: Blepharoplasty Benefits and Recovery Guidelines

Do your droopy eyelids make you look older than you actually are? On the other hand, is your vision compromised because your eyelids sag? If so, then consider how an eyelid surgery can visually take years off your face, as well as help you see better. Here are some of the benefits of eyelid surgery, known medically as Blepharoplasty, along with a few basic recovery considerations. 
Reasons for Having Eye Lid Surgery 
Eyelid surgery, also called an eye lift, is done for cosmetic, as well as medical reasons. As for medical purposes, eyelid surgery is performed to improve peripheral vision by tightening the muscles and tissues of the eyelids, besides removing skin that droops into a patient’s visual field. The procedure can be done on either your upper or lower eyelid, or it can be on both lids. 
Many people who have eyelid surgery do it only for cosmetic purposes, so they look younger and more attractive. In addition to getting rid of sagging, loose skin that disrupts the natural contour of an upper eyelid, Blepharoplasty also removes fine wrinkles on a patient’s lower eyelid, which improves his or her appearance.
What’s more, Blepharoplasty also corrects eyelid puffiness by removing excess fatty deposits. As a result, the area around your eyes looks younger. 
Recovery Guidelines 
You’ll need to keep bandages over your incision area for several days; stitches are removed after about a week. Expect inflammation and bruising to be worse the day following your Blepharoplasty. Fortunately, these side effects soon subside as most swelling and bruising disappears about two weeks. 
Using cool compresses for the first two days after your procedure helps in reducing swelling and bruising. Recovery is usually quick. In fact, most people can go back to their regular activities after a week to 10 weeks. 
Considerations and Warnings 
·       Although most insurance policies don’t cover an eyelift, it’s possible you could still get coverage if your doctor indicates that it needs to be done because of impaired vision.
·       You must be in overall good health to have this surgery. For example, if you smoke or have a serious eye problem, such as retinal detachment or glaucoma, you shouldn’t have it. Diabetics, people with hypertension, cardiovascular disease, or thyroid disorders are also not good candidates.
You don’t have to settle for droopy, unattractive eyelids or impaired vision. Our experienced and dedicated team at Precision Plastic Surgery is well qualified to ensure that your surgery gives you exceptional results. Please contact us to learn more about how an eye lift and other types of plastic surgeries can transform your life.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Plastic Surgery: Can Breast Reduction Bring Back Your Confidence?

Breast augmentation is a surgery that is talked about often because it has become a common plastic surgery procedure. One of the things that may not get plenty of chatter is breast reduction surgery.
There are many women who have had breast reduction surgery, and many others are considering the procedure. A good thing about breast reduction surgery is that it is generally covered by your insurance, but breast implant surgery is not covered by insurance. 
There are numerous reasons why a woman will want to consider a breast reduction surgery. 
If you have large breasts, you will often feel some discomfort while trying to do certain things. You may not be able to run, exercise, or do any other activities because your breasts make them really uncomfortable. You may also have some problems breathing because the weight of your breasts is placed on your chest cavity. If you find that your bra straps are cutting into your shoulders, this can be because of the extra weight that is in the bra. This can be too much weight for your bra straps to handle. 
Pain in the Back
If you have larger breasts, you will typically suffer from plenty of back pain, especially in your lower back. This back pain occurs because of the extra weight that you have to carry on your chest. It can be common to have lower back pain if you have a larger breast size, but you and your doctor should make a decision on if your back pain is caused by the size and weight of your breasts. If your breast size is the culprit behind your back pain, then a breast reduction can help provide some relief.
If you feel uncomfortable or if you do not like your appearance, you should feel comfortable in changing it. If you feel that you cannot fit into your clothes properly, if you are worried about what people may say about you, etc., breast reduction surgery can be the solution to your problems. There are several reasons why women will choose to have breast reduction surgery, but in the end it will be a personal decision. 

Contact us if you need to consult with someone before making a decision that will be best for you. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Preparing for Liposuction: What You Should Know

Liposuction is an excellent option for individuals who have struggled to get rid of excess fat with no success. As one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world, liposuction can help reduce overall weight, smooth the contours of the body, and significantly improve a person’s appearance. To ensure optimum results after the procedure, it’s crucial to prepare in the months leading up to the procedure. Here are a few things you can do before liposuction surgery to ensure you’re ready.
Alter Your Diet
While undergoing liposuction is a quick way to get rid of stubborn fat, the results will only be short-lived if you’re not consuming a healthy diet. In the months leading up to the procedure, it’s important to gradually alter your diet to include more nutritious, whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
Quit Smoking
There are a number of lifestyle choices that can cause complications post-surgery. Smoking is associated with liposuction surgery complications, as the tissues are deprived of oxygen when you smoke. This not only increases your chances of tissue death and excessive scaring, but also delays wound healing.
Assess Your Medications
Certain prescription and over-the-counter medications can interfere with liposuction surgery. During your consultation, be sure to tell your doctor about any drugs you're taken. The most common drugs that can cause complications in liposuction patients include aspirin, anti-inflammatories, as well as any medications that may interfere with blood clothing or anesthesia.

In addition to the tips mentioned above, it’s ideal to set up a comfortable resting place in your home with any items you may need within reach, such as pain medications, antibiotic ointment, cold packs, and loose-fitting clothing. For more information about liposuction preparation, contact us.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

What is rhinoplasty?

A person seeks a rhinoplasty procedure, or what some people call “cosmetic nose surgery” for three reasons. The first reason is that they feel their nose is unattractive, too big or too asymmetrical. The second possible reason is for repair of a birth defect or trauma, and the third is that a patient finds that he or she has difficulty breathing, likely from a deviated septum.
Common cosmetic complaints that people seek a rhinoplasty to correct, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, include:
·       The nose is too large in proportion to the rest of the face.
·       The nose is too wide at the bridge or at the nostrils.
·       There are visible bumps and depressions at the bridge of the nose.
·       The nasal tip is enlarged or bulbous, drooping, upturned or hooked.
·       The nostrils are too wide, too large, or upturned.
According to Medline Plus, a rhinoplasty procedure is usually performed in a doctor’s office or an outpatient facility. Depending on the extent of the procedure, either local or general anesthesia is used. The procedure lasts between one to two hours. You can usually go home the very day of the procedure.
Immediately after the procedure, your nose and face will likely be swollen and painful, with headaches possible, but this goes away fairly quickly. The nasal packing that the doctor will install during the procedure will be removed within three to five days, making you far more comfortable.
Full recovery takes several weeks though they might be some soreness at the tip of the nose for months. In some cases, the full results of the rhinoplasty procedure will not become apparent for up to a year after it is performed.

For more information contact us.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Plastic Surgery: You Deserve a Mommy Makeover!

Pregnancy and childbirth are two of the most amazing occurrences that a woman can experience in her lifetime.  The miracle of child rearing quickly fades when you realize the body you once had is now gone.  Oftentimes, the most diligent of dieters just can’t seem to get their stomach to snap back.  Even nursing a newborn can leave breasts hanging lower than you’d ever imagined.  Moms are fighting an uphill battle!  What are your options? 
Get your figure back with a mommy makeover!
What is a Mommy Makeover?
Most commonly, a mommy makeover consists of a breast augmentation, tummy tuck, liposuction, etc.  Any combination of plastic surgery procedures intended to make mom feel her best.  What makes the mommy makeover special is that it isn’t just a singular procedure.  The mommy makeover is designed to give mom the figure she had (or didn’t have) BEFORE baby!  
Who can get a Mommy Makeover?
Are you a mom?  Are you unhappy with your body?  Have you ever considered plastic surgery?  Then YOU are the perfect candidate!  No special requirements must be met for a mommy makeover.  While technically anyone can undergo a mommy makeover, it is recommended for mothers as they tend to be the ones particularly in need of this combination of procedures. 
Where can I get a Mommy Makeover?
Here at Precision Plastic Surgery, we are skilled in all procedures involved in the mommy makeover! Contact us today to see how we can help you get back to the body you deserve!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

3 Areas A Tummy Tuck Can Transform Your Life

One of the most common complaints I hear about one's body is that their tummy isn't as flat as desired. Many people say diet, and exercise still does not enhance their problem area. This can be due to excess skin from pregnancy or weight-loss. Tummy tucks are a great option to finally have your ideal tummy. Tummy tucks are not just about positive looks, but it can enhance areas in your life you may not have considered. Here are 3 of them.
1.    Professionally: People tend to lack confidence when they have body-image issues. With a flabby or saggy midsection, people tend to wear oversized clothing, avoid eye contact and even hesitate to give information. This can affect your professional career greatly. After a tummy tuck, you will finally be able to wear clothing that fits you properly. This will instantly give you more confidence. With greater confidence, you will be more comfortable in engaging business conversations. You may even apply for that promotion you always wanted. 
2.    Health: You may have avoided the gym when you were not getting results for your tummy. You may have even given up on exercise all together. Having a flat stomach will make you feel more comfortable in your workout gear. It can even give you the motivation to put more effort into your exercise. More exercise equals a healthier lifestyle. 
3.    Entertainment: No more avoiding those pool parties or beach trips. You can finally wear that bikini you haven't even considered since high school. You can finally get in the pool and play with your kids without wearing a t-shirt or worrying how you appear to others. You won't mind if people are staring at you anymore. All of this reduces stress and anxiety. 

Tummy tucks are becoming more and more popular in today's society. It is a great time to better your lifestyle and have a positive attitude. If you want to learn more benefits of a tummy tuck, contact us.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Is Liposuction Right for You

Liposuction is the removal of fat in unwanted areas throughout the body. It is one of the most asked about procedures in the plastic surgery field. Both men and women are interested in liposuction. Liposuction is not for everyone. Following, are some areas to help determine if you are a good candidate.
Diet and Exercise Give No Results
Many people naturally have different areas of their bodies that fat tends to migrate to. This can be frustrating to people who live a healthy lifestyle. For example, many women find that their abdominal area holds extra fat. Even with a healthy diet and exercise regimen, this area stays the same. This is where liposuction can assist. With the removal of access fat, you can begin to feel the benefits of your hard work. Furthermore, this you may feel more motivated to continue your hard work for a healthy life. 
You Are Healthy
It is imperative that people are overall healthy when considering liposuction. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons recommends candidates possess the following:
·       Be free of any life-threatening illnesses or medical conditions.  
·       You should be within 30% of your ideal weight. 
·       Be a non-smoker. 
·       Have a positive outlook and goals for your body. 
Be Realistic
It is important that you have practical goals. No matter how much plastic surgery a person receives, they will not be "perfect." Liposuction is not a cure all. You must be willing to live in a healthy manner to enjoy all the benefits. Liposuction will improve the way you fit in clothing. This can increase your self-esteem and body image.

Liposuction is a desirable procedure. Consider the above to confirm you are a potential candidate. To learn more about the procedure, recovery time and benefits, contact us

Monday, August 24, 2015

Three Reasons Breast Augmentation may be Right for You

True beauty comes from inside, but the importance of a first impression can't be denied. Women, especially, are judged on appearance and taught from an early age that shapely breasts are a critical part of femininity. 
Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery in the United States, and can generally be performed as an outpatient procedure. Nearly 300,000 augmentations were completed just last year, and recovery is typically brief and very palatable.
If it's something you've considered for yourself, here are three reasons it might be the right choice.
Correcting Abnormalities
Some women's breasts are noticeably different in size from left to right, which can cause body anxiety and self-esteem issues. If you suffer from disproportionate or misshapen breasts, augmentation can offer you a more uniform appearance.
Creating Fuller Breasts
Perhaps you simply crave larger curves. Silicone and saline implants are available in varying sizes to enhance your breasts and create a fuller chest, and the skilled team at Precision Plastic Surgery will work with you to determine the best choice for your body. 
Embracing a More Youthful Appearance
As we age, skin begins to lose elasticity and sag. Fluctuations in weight or breastfeeding can cause additional strain on the chest. Tissue can be lifted and adjusted to firm breasts and return them to their original position, giving you a lusher, more youthful look.

You're in highly skilled hands with Dr. McFate and his professional surgical team. Contact us to schedule a consultation and find out how we can help you realize the body you've always desired.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

What is a Tummy Tuck?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, a tummy tuck or as it is properly called, an abdominoplasty, is a procedure designed to make the abdominal profile smoother, firmer, and, therefore, more pleasing to the eye. The operation involves removing excess fat and skin and, in some cases, restoring weakened and separated muscles.
A tummy tuck is done when diet and exercise alone is insufficient to restore a smooth, flat stomach that almost everyone finds desirable. It is not, however, a substitute for diet and exercise.

Even people who are not obese can develop a stomach that is protruding and loose, therefore unsightly. Old age, hereditary factors, previous pregnancies, a prior surgery, and great fluctuations in weight brought on by yo-yo diets are common causes of this condition.
Depending on the extent of the procedure, a typical tummy tuck can take from one to five hours to complete.

Recovery time takes from one to four weeks, and patients are advised to take at least part of that time off from work. Patients are advised to avoid nicotine products a month before and a month after the procedure as well as heavy, physical exertion during the initial recovery period. Many patients will wear a binding garment around the abdomen, which helps to minimize swelling and supports the repaired tissues, helping it to conform to the desired shape.
Most patients experience some bruising and discomfort during the recovery period. Full recovery takes between three and six months, after which any post-operative scars will fade away.

For more information contact us.