Sunday, November 22, 2015

Breast Augmentation: Reclaiming Your Confidence

Everyone has insecurities; it's what makes us all human. Among us, women are specifically targeted and expected to achieve levels of beauty from perfect make-up, killer curves, and most importantly, full breasts.
If you've ever looked in the mirror and considered breast augmentation, you're not the alone, but is it the right procedure for you? What are important things to consider?
It's Normal To Want Breast Augmentation
Studies have shown that in 2014, over 286,000 breast augmentation procedures have been done in the U.S. alone. This operation holds the trophy in being the MOST popular cosmetic surgery since 2006, and the popularity only rises year after year.
It's For Anyone
Breast augmentation isn't just for young women who want to achieve a fuller look. In most cases, aging will cause the skin to lose its elasticity and the skin will start to sag, especially after children or weight loss. It's never too late to get the look you want! This cosmetic procedure can help correct abnormalities and help you regain your youthful appearance. 
There Are Options
Aside from enlarging breasts with silicone or saline implants, there are other options you can explore. Breast lifts are an alternative that can correct sagging, and breast reduction aids in relieving aches and pains if your breasts are too full for your liking.
Recovery Is A Breeze
No need to take weeks off of work in order to get your dream body! A breast augmentation procedure is usually done in a single day. The patient is free to go home that very night and return to work in a few days. Recovery is a very easy and painless process.

Dr. John McFate and his staff are here if you're ready to take the next step in realizing the body of your dreams. If you have any questions, please contact us today!

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