Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Is Liposuction Right for You

Liposuction is the removal of fat in unwanted areas throughout the body. It is one of the most asked about procedures in the plastic surgery field. Both men and women are interested in liposuction. Liposuction is not for everyone. Following, are some areas to help determine if you are a good candidate.
Diet and Exercise Give No Results
Many people naturally have different areas of their bodies that fat tends to migrate to. This can be frustrating to people who live a healthy lifestyle. For example, many women find that their abdominal area holds extra fat. Even with a healthy diet and exercise regimen, this area stays the same. This is where liposuction can assist. With the removal of access fat, you can begin to feel the benefits of your hard work. Furthermore, this you may feel more motivated to continue your hard work for a healthy life. 
You Are Healthy
It is imperative that people are overall healthy when considering liposuction. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons recommends candidates possess the following:
·       Be free of any life-threatening illnesses or medical conditions.  
·       You should be within 30% of your ideal weight. 
·       Be a non-smoker. 
·       Have a positive outlook and goals for your body. 
Be Realistic
It is important that you have practical goals. No matter how much plastic surgery a person receives, they will not be "perfect." Liposuction is not a cure all. You must be willing to live in a healthy manner to enjoy all the benefits. Liposuction will improve the way you fit in clothing. This can increase your self-esteem and body image.

Liposuction is a desirable procedure. Consider the above to confirm you are a potential candidate. To learn more about the procedure, recovery time and benefits, contact us

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