A person seeks a rhinoplasty procedure, or what some people call “cosmetic nose surgery” for
three reasons. The first reason is that they feel their nose is unattractive, too
big or too asymmetrical. The second possible reason is for repair of a birth
defect or trauma, and the third is that a patient finds that he or she has
difficulty breathing, likely from a deviated septum.
Common cosmetic complaints that people seek a rhinoplasty
to correct, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, include:
The nose is too large in proportion to the rest of the face.
The nose is too wide at the bridge or at the nostrils.
There are visible bumps and depressions at the bridge of the nose.
The nasal tip is enlarged or bulbous, drooping, upturned or
The nostrils are too wide, too large, or upturned.
According to Medline Plus, a rhinoplasty procedure is usually performed in a doctor’s
office or an outpatient facility. Depending on the extent of the procedure,
either local or general anesthesia is used. The procedure lasts between one to
two hours. You can usually go home the very day of the procedure.
Immediately after the procedure, your nose and
face will likely be swollen and painful, with headaches possible, but this goes
away fairly quickly. The nasal packing that the doctor will install during the
procedure will be removed within three to five days, making you far more
Full recovery takes several weeks though they
might be some soreness at the tip of the nose for months. In some cases, the
full results of the rhinoplasty procedure will not become apparent for up to a
year after it is performed.