Monday, August 24, 2015

Three Reasons Breast Augmentation may be Right for You

True beauty comes from inside, but the importance of a first impression can't be denied. Women, especially, are judged on appearance and taught from an early age that shapely breasts are a critical part of femininity. 
Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery in the United States, and can generally be performed as an outpatient procedure. Nearly 300,000 augmentations were completed just last year, and recovery is typically brief and very palatable.
If it's something you've considered for yourself, here are three reasons it might be the right choice.
Correcting Abnormalities
Some women's breasts are noticeably different in size from left to right, which can cause body anxiety and self-esteem issues. If you suffer from disproportionate or misshapen breasts, augmentation can offer you a more uniform appearance.
Creating Fuller Breasts
Perhaps you simply crave larger curves. Silicone and saline implants are available in varying sizes to enhance your breasts and create a fuller chest, and the skilled team at Precision Plastic Surgery will work with you to determine the best choice for your body. 
Embracing a More Youthful Appearance
As we age, skin begins to lose elasticity and sag. Fluctuations in weight or breastfeeding can cause additional strain on the chest. Tissue can be lifted and adjusted to firm breasts and return them to their original position, giving you a lusher, more youthful look.

You're in highly skilled hands with Dr. McFate and his professional surgical team. Contact us to schedule a consultation and find out how we can help you realize the body you've always desired.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

What is a Tummy Tuck?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, a tummy tuck or as it is properly called, an abdominoplasty, is a procedure designed to make the abdominal profile smoother, firmer, and, therefore, more pleasing to the eye. The operation involves removing excess fat and skin and, in some cases, restoring weakened and separated muscles.
A tummy tuck is done when diet and exercise alone is insufficient to restore a smooth, flat stomach that almost everyone finds desirable. It is not, however, a substitute for diet and exercise.

Even people who are not obese can develop a stomach that is protruding and loose, therefore unsightly. Old age, hereditary factors, previous pregnancies, a prior surgery, and great fluctuations in weight brought on by yo-yo diets are common causes of this condition.
Depending on the extent of the procedure, a typical tummy tuck can take from one to five hours to complete.

Recovery time takes from one to four weeks, and patients are advised to take at least part of that time off from work. Patients are advised to avoid nicotine products a month before and a month after the procedure as well as heavy, physical exertion during the initial recovery period. Many patients will wear a binding garment around the abdomen, which helps to minimize swelling and supports the repaired tissues, helping it to conform to the desired shape.
Most patients experience some bruising and discomfort during the recovery period. Full recovery takes between three and six months, after which any post-operative scars will fade away.

For more information contact us.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Breast Augmentation: Finding the right implant and size that fits you!

When you're considering breast augmentation, it’s natural to wonder what you’ll look like in the “after” photo—but things can get confusing rather quickly. To begin with, you can’t use the familiar cup size as a starting point: implants are sized by volume, in cubic centimeters (cc). So how can you choose the right size breast implant? Don’t stress, this guide will help you sort out your options for breast implant sizing.


Breast Implant Sizing Methods (Use More Than One!)


For breast implant happiness, don’t focus on cc's. Any size you pick will look different once inside your body. Instead, decide on the look you want; that's the goal of your breast implant surgery. Then focus on communicating the goal to your surgeon. There are so many variables involved, your surgeon's expertise with sizing, shape, profile and placement is invaluable. In the end, however, the choice is yours! To do:
  • Visit implant manufacturer websites to see photos of implants on different body types. 
  • Do the rice test: Place differing amounts of rice into cut pantyhose, tie or secure with duct tape--and try in your bra/under clothes. Take photos when you find sizes you like.
  • Try different size implants at your surgeon’s office. (Bring clothing you love or aspire to wear, a friend and your camera/cell. You may need a second try-on session to firm up your decision.)
  • Some surgeons offer 3D imaging for virtual implant try-ons. (Ideally, use multiple methods to decide on/communicate your breast implant goal.)
  • Look at/discuss your surgeon’s Before and After photos. (This also helps to ensure that you've both got the same idea of beautiful breasts! Knowing you can trust your surgeon’s abilities and judgment is crucial. Evaluate whether you’re communicating well with your surgeon. If you don’t feel there's mutual understanding, choose another surgeon.)
  • Bring in several photos of what you like: celebs, etc. This gives your surgeon an idea of placement details that you may never have considered.
  • To think about: Your lifestyle, exercise routine, wardrobe, personality, etc. (Are you daring or conservative? Do you prefer the natural look--or bigger?)

Envisioning how you'll look with breast implants (and considering options) are part of the fun when preparing for breast augmentation. Communicate your goal to your surgeon and s/he will help you attain the look you desire. Never fear, if your goal isn't quite realistic, your surgeon can make recommendations and offer new options!